Writing practice: proposal

Historical places in Santiago de Chile

This proposal is intended to highlight two historical places in Santiago and suggest which one would be better for history students from the International College to visit.


When students are accepted into our institution, and they decide to enroll, an interview is done by a committee to know students’ motivations and interests regarding the International College. Comments made in those interviews revealed that 75% were interested in this college because of its location and the surroundings that can be found in the city.


Santiago de Chile, the capital of the country, is full of historical places and museums that can be visited for free. One of them is the worldwide known Palacio de La Moneda, built in 1784 and opened to the public in 1805, it carries out uncountable historical moments, from happy and memorable ones to tragic and horrendous episodes. Not only this building has received many political figures but was the first encounter that Chileans had with the 30-years-long dreadful dictatorship.

Another interesting place to visit is Museo de la Memoria. Through storytelling, images, and art, this place remembers a period that was complex and painful for several families during the dictatorship. It is a place that aims to keep that part of Chilean history alive and palpable, so the world and population do not forget and do not repeat the atrocities lived.

As a history student who has lived in Santiago, I recommend that our class visit Museo de La Memoria since it tells facts and encompasses experiences of people that cannot be found in books or the Internet. Should this recommendation be followed, the one-day trip is bound to be a memorable learning experience.

Word count: 275

Writin practice: report

Museum in Valparíso

The principal purpose of this report is to describe the Museo de Historia Natural de Valparaíso and present the results of a questionnaire answered by a group of people who attended a guided tour on the 10th of June.

Museum experience

A few weeks ago, I visited this well-known museum as part of a trekking group deeply interested in local nature. At the beginning of the tour, visitors see exhibitions about different plants that can be found in Valparaíso. Then, the tour moves to a room where birds are presented in 3D. Finally, there is a room that highlights the relevance of the Pacific Ocean and sea animals. The museum is open to the public; however, it is advisable to book a visit if you are going with a group of people because the administration arranges guided tours, workshops, and lectures for groups.

Visitors’ opinions

At the end of the experience, I conducted a questionnaire in which people responded through a QR code from their devices. The questionnaire comprised 3 alternative questions. The first question asked the attendees if they would return to the museum or not, and nearly three-quarters of them answered they would if they had the chance. The second question revealed that all respondents would recommend this place to a friend. The last question showed a quarter of them had visited the museum more than once.

In light of the results of the questionnaire and the unforgettable experience I had, it is essential that the school organize a visit for students to attend this innovative science museum, which would undoubtedly be a memorable learning experience.

Word count: 270


Read part of an email from a friend who is planning to come and live in your country.

Of course, I’d really need to learn the language. I know you’ve been learning English for years, so you’ve had loads of experience. Are there any tricks of the trade that might help me pick up your language a bit more quickly?

Reply to the email message offering your friend some advice. Write your email in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.

Dear Kai,

I got your email last Friday, but I haven’t had enough time to write a detailed answer. First of all, I’m thrilled to read that you will be living here next year, there are a lot of places we can visit and enjoy.

Regarding your question, I have several tips you may find useful to pick up the language. In my experience, listening to podcasts and watching series and movies have been the best option to get familiarized with English. Indeed, all the sitcom series that you love, such as Brooklyn 99 and How I Met Your Mother, are wonderful to catch expressions that you don’t listen to in formal contexts.

However, if you get tired of listening to someone or watching a series, reading blogs about topics you’re interested in is a good alternative. This simple action will provide you new vocabulary and words; as well as downloading Duolingo will help you to get familiarized with new words and sounds. The final piece of advice, and this is something most learners agree with, is that you should go to a bar and talk with native speakers. There are loads of meetings where you can gather with people and just talk in English.

I hope you find these suggestions useful.

Write to me anytime if you need more help.



Formal Letter 2

Your school or college takes part in an exchange programme with another institution in another country. You have decided to apply to go on an exchange visit and are required to write a letter to the director of the host institution, explaining why they should accept you as a student. You should explain:

  • what programme of studies you have been following at your home institution
  • why you are a suitable candidate for an exchange programme.
  • what benefits you expect to gain from taking part in the programme.

Write your letter in 220-260 words in an appropriate style.

To whom it may concern,

It is widely known that exchange programs benefit students in several different ways, not only academically but also socially. I am writing to you to explain why I am a suitable candidate for your exchange programme.

Since 2020 I have been studying English Pedagogy to teach English as a Foreign Language or English as a Second Language. Through the years I have studied Psychology, Education, and English courses. In this sense, I believe I am academically prepared to take some of your courses. Additionally, my soft skills allow me to incorporate well in any environment with any kind of people. Likewise, meeting other cultures is a topic I am very fond of.

Regarding the benefits I may get from your institution, I expect no more than what you usually provide to your students. For instance, classes in native English will help me to improve my language skills; meeting and having contact with new people will help me to create contact networks; and attending new classes will broaden my academic experience and will help me to be better prepared for my future career.

For all the reasons previously mentioned, I hope to have a place in your programme.

Yours sincerely,

Constanza Garrido

Formal Letter

Your college needs to cut down the amount of plastic water bottles thrown away by students in order to meet stricter government regulations. Students have been asked for their suggestions on how the college can achieve this. Your letter should explain

  • how you think the college can cut down the use of plastic bottles
  • the advantage of your idea
  • ways to make sure students to co-operate

Write your letter in 220-260 words in an appropriate style

To whom it may concern,

It is generally known for the unbridled use of plastics in our society, being schools one of the places with the most plastic water bottle waste of all. I am writing in reply to your suggestion of ideas to reduce plastic bottles.

To reduce the usage of plastic bottles, I recommend providing each student a metal water bottle. Having this object at hand, students will not need to buy plastic ones to be hydrated.

By giving those metal bottles for free, not only the students will benefit but also the school and more importantly, the Earth. The removal of plastic bottles contributes to the reduction of plastic waste that usually ends at the sea. Additionally, the students will save money and the school will look neat.

The above-mentioned suggestion could be implemented at the beginning of the academic year, so each student would have their own bottle from day one, and all of them would be aligned to reach the same goal. Nevertheless, water dispensers have to be provided by the school to fill the water bottles throughout the day, and to make sure students do not buy plastic bottles.

I very much hope you will consider this recommendation to achieve the goal of cutting down the amount of plastics.

Yours sincerely,

Constanza Garrido


Writing: diagnostic test (essay)

There is no doubt that people want to have a nice time when going to the beach. This may include having a cup of coffee, eating a sandwich, or playing a sport with friends. Therefore, restaurants, coffee shops, parks, and sports facilities are always welcomed by citizens.

The benefits of having restaurants and coffee shops near the beach positively affect the local economy. The first and more palpable advantage is the provision of jobs to local people. Second, this small business will attract people to visit our city, boosting the local economy. Additionally, fewer people will eat at the beach and as a result, the seafront will be cleaner and more pleasant. Finally, if these places are properly designed, they will add beauty to the coast.

Despite restaurants and coffee shops being attractive, the community must have places to practice sports. In that sense, volleyball facilities and a park are valuable options. As a citizen once said, “sports facilities are always welcome” because encouraging healthy habits is more than necessary nowadays. In addition, tournaments could be organized in these facilities to encourage the local community to play sports while having a good time.

In light of the above, and even though both projects would benefit the community and the city as well, I truly believe that restaurants and coffee shops should be built because they carry several advantages, which go from social to economic ones.

Writing: diagnostic test (review)

Grey’s Anatomy: a legend

More than twenty years have passed since the TV show Grey’s Anatomy was released, and though time has flown it still keeps the magic that attracted so many Americans in the 2000’s.

This drama show, directed and written by the talented Shonda Rhymes, was filmed in a hospital in Seattle, at first called “Seattle Grace Hospital”. It is widely known for being a teaching hospital, which means a lot of doctors in the show. Despite what you may be thinking, the plot is not only about medicine but also addresses topics such as death, grief, parenthood, and friendship.

Although its many seasons may seem tedious or boring, I am sure you will be surprised by each of them. A rollercoaster of emotions will arise while you watch this well-acted show.

At first, medicine and science were all I could see but as episodes passed by, I could understand what being a doctor involves, and how they dedicate their whole life to people’s care. That is its best feature to me, how Honda and the cast were able to accurately portray doctor’s lives.

In brief, this legendary show that encompasses more than four hundred episodes and nineteen seasons is a must-see if you are a TV show fan, not only for its plot but also because of the understanding you may get from it.